The front porch light mysteriously stopped working just before Halloween. We needed to take the paneling off the wall in our room and tear into the wall in the hallway in order to get to the wiring and see what was what (the light was just outside our bedroom window). We didn't want to tear into the walls during the winter, so in March after it started to warm up, we began.
We weren't planning to change our room any more than just to extend the closet. However, during the winter, we quickly realized we'd need to do something because, even though we put a heat vent in (there wasn't one), our room didn't get much warmer than 65 on a good day all winter (I think it got as cold as 51-52).
In the process, we decided that we would move the light switch because it was behind the door. We put in a wall that will be the side of the closet so that we had a place to put the light switch. We also added an outlet on that wall.
Taking off the paneling and window trim:
The insulation under the paneling (there was no drywall) was very old and thin:
We decided to go ahead and do the entire wall, not just the side where the light was:
Prepping the doorway wall for the new closet wall:
Installing the new closet wall:
Installing new, thicker insulation (warmer, toastier!) :
Starting the drywall:
Figuring out the new wiring:
The new light switch in the new location:
More insulation:
More Drywall:
I finally got the curtain valance done, as well as the white detail strip on the curtains:
Installing the plug in the doorknob hole to re-drill it properly:
Obviously, we still have a lot of work to do in our bedroom. We're also hoping to expand the bathroom a tad with the hope that we can put a slightly bigger shower, sink, and vanity in. This will correspond with extending the closet, which we hope to be able to afford to do/finish soon.